With Lockdown Levels 4 & 3 we have gone into gear and set up our special work from home space. But what about our time out and inner sanctuary while we are at home, where we also know it’s the place to leave the outer world behind and recharge to reconnect within?
This can be through meditation, yoga routine, or reading something that inspires us that provide rich healing, balancing powers. A comfortable place set up just for you and reflects you. Styling your own serene sanctuary area is often simpler than planning for that ideal bedroom or living space.
Styling Your Sacred Space
Your space needs to be inviting to be your regular go-to area, in a quiet area of your home. Having a certain part of the home become familiar as this special space can help ease you into the mindset that you're exiting the workday and ignoring other distractions. Surrounding yourself with soothing colours such as sage greens, soft blues, warm soft terracotta tones will create an ambient atmosphere.

So how do you create that space in your home and where do you start? Here is a 3-step tick list to style your sanctuary and create a safe haven to recharge physically, mentally and emotionally. Include the elements of earth, water, air and fire to ease all the senses.
1. Find an area in your home in a low traffic zone or a quiet corner of a room with natural light which boosts the release of serotonin, one of the chemicals that makes us feel happy and relaxed. If you don’t have a set space you can close a door to, try putting up a folding screen so your fellow bubble buddies know this is your time. Clear the clutter around this area to unclutter the mind so keep your space simple not overcrowded.
2. Next is to select the seating. If you have a yoga mat – great! If not no problem – layer a couple of blankets on the floor and add a sheepskin even or some sumptuous cushions to sit on. You can even order a yoga mat online at https://www.lululemon.co.nz/en-nz/c/accessories/equipment/yoga-mats?sz=24
Or another great site to check out is: https://weareserene.com/collections/yoga-mats Check if they have contactless delivery.
3. Add a collection of your favourite things on a small platform or type of altar so you can see them easily in your space. Use a spatial technique that creates ease on the eye by curating your collections in the form of triangles. Position a small table, stool, trunk or ottoman as a platform and consider including the elements of earth, wind, fire and water to soothe the senses.
Earth - Pop a plant or vase of fresh spring flowers at the back of the surface to build around with your smaller items that soothe your soul. I was out on my morning walk and collected some beautiful lotus blossom branches to include on my altar. Your favourite crystals or a salt lamp to add positive energy. Anything that speaks to you and makes you relax. “An altar is a changing thing, you will change it with your moods, with the season and the work that you need to do,” says Jackie Pope from Wyrdsisters. “Also, it takes time to culminate the collection and people notice that you need things for your altar. You find people start giving you gifts that you need - a candle holder, some candles, a glass vase. This all adds to the delight” Raid your cupboards.
Water - add a mini foundation if you have one. Plus place an oil burner for essential oils. “If you don’t have a burner, a bowl of boiling water and a few drops of lavender or sage oil will suffice,” says Angela Baker, Yoga teacher at Hot Yoga, Wellington. https://hotyogawellington.co.nz/ These oils are especially prized for potentially relaxing effects.
Fire – Set up your favourite candles, include some white tealight candles (easily available from supermarkets) or burn incense sticks. One of my favourites go-to candles is White Rose from the Kasbah Design coveted collection (www.kasbahdesign.co.nz) It sends me into the zen mode with delicious subtle florals and lemon and orange essential oils.
Air - besides positioning your space by an open window, air is also for communication and music to create the serenity of the mind. Check out a selection of Spotify playlists (Yin, Vinyasa or Slow Flow) to tap into from Hot Yoga Wellington https://hotyogawellington.co.nz/

Now you have styled your space for your home sanctuary and perhaps started or resurrected your journey into the world of meditation, yoga and self-reflection – why not take it to the next level and join the Connect and Reflect 1-day free virtual online retreat this Saturday 4 September held by The Yoga Travel Co. It’s free and will be fun with an inspiring array of topics to restore your spirit, body and mind with yoga, cooking, breathwork and meditation to name a few – click on this link for more information and to register: https://www.theyogatravelco.com/connect-and-reflect/

Remember, as with styling your home normally styling your space of sanctuary often takes time to weave together. Some things will sit and feel right with you on one day and on the other you may want to change it depending on what inspires you at the time. Using the basic spatial planning techniques by positioning your collections in the shape of triangles is easier on the eye. Try using soft variants of textures and tones to blend colours together and some warmth of wood. I can’t underestimate the power of nature and I love to use the power of live pot plants and fresh-cut flowers when staging my homes for clients.
Creating your enhanced space will give you more time and energy to enjoy your surroundings, help you cope with change and level up while we move down through the Covid levels.
